Alternatives to coffee filters: how to easily substitute coffee filters?

2021-02-21T19:24:32+00:001 February 2021|Categories: Coffee brewing tips|

Are you looking for alternatives to coffee filters? What to use instead of a coffee filter? There are several smart ways you can substitute coffee filters. Find out what is best for you! [...]


Should I use 2 coffee filters? The mystery of strength and flavor of coffee.

2020-08-19T14:37:03+00:0019 August 2020|Categories: Coffee brewing tips|

Should you use 2 coffee filters when brewing a cup of coffee? Is is true that using 2 coffee filters brews stronger and more flavorful cup of coffee? Let's answer these questions today. [...]


Can coffee paper filters go bad? Expiration date of paper coffee filters.

2020-08-15T19:13:24+00:0015 August 2020|Categories: Coffee brewing tips|

Can coffee paper filters go bad? If you notice a specific change in flavor, aroma or depth of your coffee, you may wonder if paper filters are to blame. Is there an expiration date [...]


Definitive guide: How to dry and store used coffee grounds?

2022-05-03T00:03:25+00:001 August 2020|Categories: Coffee brewing tips|

Coffee is a wonderful beverage. However, we also use used coffee grounds for non-beverage purposes, for instance as a fertilizer in the garden, or a body scrub. In order to re-use coffee grounds, we follow an easy, convenient and fast protocol to dry and store coffee grounds properly. Properly storing coffee grounds is critical for success to re-use them later.

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